Characteristics Of Container Delivery From One Place To Another

A big portion of international trade takes place through the sea routes and water hauled freighters. In the UK, it’s also the most preferred method for outgoing and incoming goods transportation. Felixstowe harbor is a beneficial center for sending away or receiving products and goods in international trade. Keeping this in mind container haulage in Felixstowe working well. All kinds of shipments with all kinds of products are docked at the port incoming from all parts of the world.
Companies and businesses then arrange for container delivery from Felixstowe to their respective warehouses. All stages of transportation and delivery are discussed and settled between the shipper and the receiving party mostly known as the consignee prior to the delivery process. Container haulage services play a crucial role in international trade and the state’s economy.
Getting the products and goods to the respective companies from the Felixstowe port is just as significant a part as the journey over the international waters on the sea freighters.
To break down the delivery process from one place to another and Characteristics Of Container Delivery, we should look at the process in the form of steps. These steps crucial to the process of delivery from one place to another are as follows.
Don’t miss another fantastic article related to haulage services: WHAT ARE CONTAINER HAULAGE SERVICES ALL ABOUT?
Characteristics Of Container Delivery
These are Characteristics Of Container Delivery discussed below:
Export Haulage
The first step is known as export haulage and it includes the transport of the product from the shipper’s to the forwarder’s warehouse. The forwarder is the freighter company that is going to send the products across the sea. The export haulage is mostly carried out by train or road trucks and can take anywhere from a day to a couple of days to weeks depending on the geographical distance and conditions.
Arranging the export haulage depends on the contract between the shipper and consignee. Whoever takes the responsibility is the one arranging and paying for the export haulage process. Most of the time the shipper is the one arranging the export haulage because he’s locally sourced and familiar and better able to do it rather than the consignee who is in another state.
Custom Clearance
Customs clearance is the process of registration of the cargo that is to be exported out of the country. Before your products arrive in the UK and you make arrangements for container delivery from Felixstowe, it has to have clearance to be shipped from the origin country. This process needs you to declare the status, manner, form, size, quantity, and every required detail about the cargo that is to be shipped.
Mostly, it makes sense for the shipper to arrange customs clearance too. He can ask the forwarder to take care of it or contact a licensed customs broker directly.
Origin Handling
Origin handling includes the receiving of the cargo by the forwarder sent from the shipper. There it is stored temporarily in a staging warehouse where it gets thoroughly checked and inspected and matched with the booking details provided by the shipper.
Cargo is kept there until the other shipments if any meant to be loaded in the same container have arrived. Then it’s loaded and the container is transported to the port through a haulage vehicle. The container is kept with the other containers that are set to be loaded on the same ship for a couple of days probably depending on the circumstances. Once the ship is prepared in the port, the containers are loaded into it.
The origin handling is arranged and performed by the forwarder but the payment for it is either made by the shipper or the consignee. Whichever one makes it depends on the arrangement settled between them.
Sea Freight
The sea freight step is carried out by a shipping line through their contract made with the forwarder. At the end of this journey, the consignee will be able to collect his shipment through the container delivery from Felixstowe. The sea freight could make a straight journey to the destination port or it could make stops at other ports to drop out various shipments on the way.
It could also pick up new shipments from these stops along the way. The duration of your shipment reaching to destination port will depend on the number of stops made.
The payment to the shipping line is made by the forwarder who in turn accordingly charges the customers whose cargo is transported in the containers.
Custom Clearance For Imported Cargo
Just like the customs clearance done when the cargo was leaving the origin country, it is done in the destination state too upon the cargo’s arrival. It is quite the same process of declaring the required aspects and information about the nature of the cargo incoming. And it can be carried out by the forwarder through his agent in the receiver country or the independent customs broker if the consignee decides to hire one.
Mostly this process can be done by scanned document copies although certain authorities might need to see the original documents. Hence you should check with the forwarder’s agent or the broker beforehand about what documents need to be provided. It would be more convenient to just have the forwarder’s agent perform the process because they mostly already have the documents required for the process.
If the forwarder does not provide this service, they will still be able to connect you to a qualified customs broker with the proper licensing to carry out this task.
Receiver Handling
This step is carried out at the forwarder’s office in the receiver country. The documents are sent from the forwarder’s office in the origin country. These documents are then submitted to the shipping line in order to collect the container at its destination port.
Hence, the container delivery from Felixstowe is carried out by the agents of the forwarder’s office in the receiving country. The container is taken to the forwarder warehouse in the receiver state. It is unloaded, inspected, matched with document descriptions, and sorted out in order to be sent away to respective customers and consignees.
Import Haulage
The final stage of container delivery from Felixstowe contains the transportation with different types of cargo from the receiver warehouse to the consignee’s office or residence. The consignee can ask the forwarder agent to arrange for it or hire a local haulage company to do the task.
The process is usually done by roads through haulage trucks and can take anywhere from a day to multiple days depending on the geographical distance and routes. The consignee is most likely to pay for import haulage.